2007年5月31日 星期四


Teaching students to write clearly and effectively should be a central objective of the school.

Scientists and government officials have known for several years that radiation causes the
mutations I have described, which lead to illness, genetic damage, and death; yet, they continue to allow the unsuspecting public to be exposed to dangerous levels of radiation, and to have their food, water, and air contaminated by it. Ernest Sternglass made the comment that because of man’s fascination with nuclear power, “it appears that we have unwittingly carried out an experiment with ourselves as guinea pigs on a worldwide scale.” Millions of innocent people have paid the price of nuclear power through their suffering and untimely deaths. By inheriting genetic damage caused by radiation, the future generations of mankind may bear the burden as well. A multi-million dollar settlement was awarded to Utah residents who proved that their cancers were caused by radioactive fallout. Whether or not radiation is indeed responsible for my own illness may never be proved. Nevertheless, the image I once had of my grandparents’ farm in Utah as an unspoiled, safe haven, untouched by the tainted hands of modern evils, has been forever changed in my mind.
